Racism is one of the giant evils and is still prevailing in some parts of the world. Belonging to a minority can sometimes harvest feelings of loneliness and solitude. But one woman who is defying all the odds is Jermany Coney, a black content creator, and a prominent social media influencer.
Jermany Coney is a goal-getter, so she took the challenge of becoming a notable content creator in an industry that doesn’t always show equality to those that look like her. And today, she is a successful social media influencer that wants to help others out there pursue their dreams on social media.
Jermany started her social media experience years ago with an Instagram account. Like any other social media user, the purpose was to socialize and communicate with friends and family. She always loved to showcase her lifestyle, so that’s what she did here. And finally, years later, companies started reaching out to her to promote their brands. This was the start of the content creation journey for Jermany, and she never looked back.
Jermany was grateful to be in this space. So she set her goal to help others through her platform. Being a black woman, Jermany was very aware of the struggles of the black community. In Jermany’s words, she wants to “be blessed to be a blessing to others”.
Pursuing this goal, Jermany started her social media business JermanyOnline, where she helps others boost their social media presence and gives tips and tricks to monetize as much as possible. Her business is highly committed to learning, growing, and providing the best possible outcome. The genuine, high-quality content that she provides makes her stand out from the rest of the social media pool.
Going ahead, Jermany has no plans of slowing down anytime soon. She has too many goals and ambitions for the future. She wants to continue to partner with brands on a larger scale. Jermany is also planning to expand her business with digital products. She is also eager to travel the world and do some travel blogging herself.
Besides all this, Jermany’s primary goal is to help other content creators who look like her expand their social media and monetize as much as possible. All in all, she wants herself and her fellow content creators to aim higher because the sky is the limit for them. If you wish to know more about her, visit Jermany’s Instagram account and website to get inspired.

Gerilyn grew up in Snoqualmie; a small town in Washington DC where she completed her education and obtained a degree in Global and International Journalism. She works as a columnist for many top tier publications including The Daily Mail, The Washington Post etc. When Gerilyn Thrasher isn’t busy writing, she spends most of her time volunteering in animal shelters and orphanages.