Vaccination against COVID-19 advances day by day in Brazil. We know that immunizers are safe and effective against COVID-19, but, like any medication, they can have some side effects. Learn some of them and how they can be treated.
A headache is one of the most common complaints people have after receiving the vaccine, especially from Pfizer. Mild or moderate headaches may not require treatment and should go away within a few hours, and an important recommendation is to drink plenty of fluids and lie down to rest. Here at Canaltech , we’ve already talked about how to relieve headaches without medication.
Some people may develop a fever after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, which makes sense because some of the body’s processes needed to create an immune response can raise the body’s temperature. Given this, some recommendations involve drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, without taking antipyretics in case of mild fever. But if the temperature is too high, it is worth consulting your doctor for guidance on possible treatments, thus avoiding self-medication.
Having chills after being vaccinated against COVID-19 has been shown to be a rather common side effect and may not necessarily be accompanied by fever. Chills shouldn’t last longer than a day or two, so keeping warm may be the best option during this time. A hot bath can also help keep the chills from being too uncomfortable.
Many people report that the COVID-19 vaccine ends up causing fatigue, and the best thing to do to deal with this side effect is not to fight it and allow yourself to rest. That’s because when you sleep or just nap, you conserve energy and allow your immune system to use that energy to create a strong immune response to keep you safe later if you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2.
People who have taken the immunizing agent may also have a malaise. These symptoms usually disappear in a few days, but in the meantime, the tip is to sleep well, take hot or cold baths, practice aromatherapy and bet on some distraction. If you feel nauseous or dizzy, the tip is to keep your activity level low and eat and drink in small amounts. It is worth consuming natural juice, broth, gelatine, bananas, biscuits, toast, low-fat dairy products and roasted or grilled chicken, and avoid sugary items, caffeine, alcohol and fried or fatty foods.
Injection site pain
Like many arm muscle immunizations, the COVID-19 vaccine can cause pain, swelling and heat at the injection site, which is normal. To minimize this effect, a tip is to move your arm frequently after receiving the injection, avoiding stiffness. If the pain is significant, consider applying cold compresses over a towel to the affected area for 20 minutes for the first 24 hours or 48 hours. Once the swelling subsides, switch to warm compresses as the heat will help to relax the muscle.

Shelly is an environmental Journalist. She started her career as a food and health reporter and then transitioned to reporting on sustainability. Shelly covers a wide range of environmental topics and has won multiple awards for her reporting.